India Travel

If you have ever thought of experiencing the mystic beauty of hills, exotic beauty of the beaches, cascading beauty of the rivers and the thrill of the jungles, India travel is the perfect option for you. Tourist places of India offer a lot of variety to serve the taste of tourists of all types. Moreover, holidays in India are perfect blend of excitement and leisure. Be it historical tours of India or the leisure tours, India holiday is embedded with all.
India is a land of colors. This is one of those places which will provide you an experience of fast city life as well as the blissful experience of backwaters. The country is full of diversities, be it cultural or climatic. India travel will let you experience the golden beauty of desert along with the calmness of Kerala Backwater. If you are fond of the heavenly beauty of hills then also India tours will serve your purpose. In fact, the mountaineering tours in the various hill stations of India are perfect for adventurous souls.
Tourists fond of beaches have a plenty to select from as there are plenty of beaches in India. However, Goa always has an upper hand in terms of beaches. Goa offers both isolated beaches as well as beaches that bustle with activities. Some of the cities like Mumbai and Chennai are also located on sea side. These cities also posses a number of beautiful beaches.
Travel to India also offers a number of other attractions. The rich wildlife of the country is a major draw for the tourists. In fact, India wildlife tours are packed with excitement as these tours offer the rare sight of some of the majestic animals in this part of the world.
India also has a rich history. The presence of a number of majestic forts and palaces in various parts of the country bears the evidence of the rich history. Rajasthan is the best place to visit in order to witness the marvelous architecture of these palaces. The forts and palaces tour of Rajasthan will provide a close look of these majestic structures. Tourists not only get the mesmerizing view of these palaces but also gain a lot of knowledge about the rich history of the place.
Traveling to the southern most part of the country is also a must for tourists during India travel. Places like Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Daman & Diu are must visits in this part of the country. These places support a number of water sports like scuba diving, snorkeling, carting and a number of other sports.
India is also a place which hosts a number of festivals. These festivals portray the rich tradition of the country. Some of the festivals feature a number of cultural programs that reflect the local culture of the place. The folk dances and folk songs performed in these festivals give you a true feel of the rural India.
India travel has caught the frenzy of travelers through out the world. They get a memorable experience during India tours. The presence of a number of world class hotels in India also makes sure that visitors enjoy a comfortable accommodation during India tours. The skyrocketing popularity of India tours have resulted to a number of attractive India travel packages. These tour packages are embedded with best of facilities for the tourists.
Transportation in this country has also achieved world standards. In The Indian luxury trains can give any luxury trains in the world a run for its money. This makes sure that tourists enjoy a luxurious experience even when they are traveling from one part of the country.
The rise of medical tourism in India is also one of the factors that have led to the rising popularity of India travel. The cost comparison reveals the fact that India is one of the viable places to avail top class medical treatments within an affordable cost.
India is also considered to be the place for availing the best quality ayurveda treatment. There are also a number of spa and ayurveda tours available to cater to the needs of the travelers. These tours provide a unique experience to the tourists as they get the best quality spa and ayurveda treatments in this country.

Best Travel Destinations - Exciting and Affordable Places to Explore

Traveling is the passion of some people while some people have to travel forcefully. There are various travel destinations in this world and you can choose any one of it for a perfect vacation for yourself with your family or friends. You will also like to go for best travel destinations that can make your trip a memorable one and you can enjoy every moment of your vacation with your family.
Nothing is cheap today. Wherever you go, you will have to pay higher bills. Some travel destinations are really very expensive as they are some best travel destinations of the world. Yet, one should be aware of the fact that all expensive things are not the best. Although, there may be some expensive travel destinations in this world but it is not at all important that they are best travel destinations. It is quite possible that there are destinations which are better than these expensive destinations and can provide you much to explore.
Paris, New York and London are few well known destinations of the world. These are famous all over the place and everyone wants to explore these amazing cities at least once in their life time. But there are few travel destinations which are getting overcrowded and thus, tourists try to neglect such places and look for a better place for their vacation.
It is always better to look for cheap and best place that is also less crowded. You can enjoy the cultural heritage, natural beauty, excellent infrastructure and amazing landmarks of such places. It is surely a great experience exploring such best destinations of the world that too at such cheap budget.
Some of the well known and best destinations of the world are South America, Egypt, Bulgaria, Mexico, Poland, Laos and India. These are some places which are not just famous for their amazing landmarks and excellent infrastructure but are also blessed with natural beauty that can win any heart. Tourists from all over the world visit these destinations in the hope of returning with great memories.
South America is an excellent place today and is getting popular day by day. It has many countries that are cheap and are flooded with scenic beauty and excellent places to explore. Food is just amazing out there while people are friendly in South America. Egypt is also one of the best travel destinations of this globe and is famous for its Pyramids. Apart from Pyramids, there is also a well known Nile river which is a must watch, if you are planning to explore this amazing country.
Mexico contains some fascinating beaches which can be found nowhere else. It is also having a pleasantly relaxed pace which is just superb and is nowhere in the north of the border. India is a great place to explore. It is rich in culture, architecture, natural beauty and friendly people. The most exciting thing about India is that it is cheap to explore and is one of the best travel destinations of the world.
If you want to know more about the best travel destinations, please check out the best site

Europe Travel Tips

A trip to Europe is a dream holiday for most tourists. The most unique feature of a European trip is how you can encounter different cultures by just travelling a few hours. Every European country is representation of the world's rich history and culture. The profound difference between each country is the most enjoyable highlight of the continent. To put together a memorable trip make sure you have a few tips in place.
Prioritize your choices
Europe, as much as it is extravagant, can be overwhelming. Your choice of countries you want to visit depends on the kind of person you are and what you enjoy the most. Do not go by the notion to cover all the famous spots such as the Eiffel Tower, The Colosseum or the London Eye. Think about the kind of trip you would like to offer yourself and your family. If you are a lover of art and architecture choose to treat yourself with the Greek and Roman experiences. If you would like to enjoy some adventure sport or enjoy the snowfall visit the Alps. Either ways Europe is as splendid as you can imagine.
Planning your trip
The first hiatus people face before travelling is the visa and availability of flights. Book your flights and hotels rooms much before you intend to travel. For travelling between the European nations roadways and railways may turn out to be cheaper.
Do some research
Before you land at your destination it is always a good idea to do some research. Check for the weather conditions, any kind of civil unrest and seasonal festivals. Figure out a general picture about the price list of restaurants and basic commodities. This might help you compare prices and pick out the best one for you. Read about the history of the places you are about to visit. This makes your journey more interesting.
Credit cards and currency
Some tourists complain about theft experiences while visiting Europe. To be on the safer side, split the cash you are carrying amongst your family members. Restrict the use of credit and make sure it is handled in all safety. Check all your belongings wherever you are travelling and be alert while using public transport.
Things to carry
Prepare a general checklist of the items you need to carry to Europe. Converter pins, warm clothing and travelers cheques are some essentials that you cannot afford to leave behind. While packing make sure you are adhering to regulations of your airlines and European Quarantine.
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Benefits of Air Travel

Have you always dreamt of seeing the world, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people? Perhaps its time for you to do some traveling. If you haven't done a lot of traveling before, you might benefit from some of the following tips, including how to arrange cheap travel, how to decide where to travel to, where to find travel trailers, and whether or not you need travel insurance for your trip.
Commercial airlines have made it possible for people to travel almost anywhere in the world for fairly affordable prices. Of course air travel isn't cheap, but a six hour flight is certainly faster and more convenient than a thirty day boat ride. Air travel has also broken many barriers and allowed families to live in different countries and still keep in touch. In fact, air travel between countries is so cheap in some parts of the world that it's often the cheapest way to travel. For instance, one of the cheapest modes of transportation in Europe at the moment is air travel.
No frills airlines offer some very cheap flights if you book them well in advance. Often, you only have to pay the airport fees. Another benefit of air travel is that it's one of the safest modes of travel. It often seems as if there are more fatalities from plane crashes because plane crashes are so highly publicized, when in fact, you're far more likely to die in a car accident than a plane crash. If you're planning a trip, remember that booking air travel tickets well in advance can save you a lot of money. Air travel is also cheaper if you are flexible about your destination.
For example, if you just want a return trip to Europe from Canada, you can often find two-way travel tickets under two hundred dollars. You can also save money on little things, like bringing your own travel headphones instead of buying a set from the airline. If you're taking a longer air travel trip, you can expect at least one meal and a movie or two during your flight. However, air travel's not all sunshine and unicorns - if you've ever been on an airplane before you know how scary the toilets are. I always imagine that I'll be sucked out of the plane when I flush the toilet.
Cheap travel is usually easier if you plan ahead. You can buy travel guides specifically for cheap travel that offer tips on how to save money on everything from flights to bus fares to accommodations, and meals. If you want you can also join a travel club where the prices are cheaper than you would usually find. One club called Travel Ventures International or TVI claims to take pride in its ability to offer the discount travel and weekend packages.
Desiree Richardson is an entrepreneur with a primary travel business. To learn more about travel clubs, visit Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs

The Benefits of Using an Online Travel Agency

Most people who go on vacation like to book trips through a travel agent in order to take some of the stress out of the planning process. Travel agents can also help you save money on flight, hotel rooms, cruises, and more; but what about online travel agencies? While people worry that Internet travel agencies could scam you or provide low-quality service, there are actually a number of benefits to choosing an online travel agency, providing that you pick the right one.
First and foremost, with an online travel agency, you can work with the place that has the lowest prices without geography limits. In other words, you have more options! When you opt to choose a travel agency in an offline setting, you are limited to the handful of companies that operate in your neighborhood, or at least within a reasonable distance. People who live in major cities might especially be affected by the high prices of brick and mortar travel agencies. Online, there are not proximity limits. The travel agency with which you work might actually have headquarters thousands of miles away, but if they have the lowest prices, you can still work with them over the Internet.
The increased number of choices does not just help you save money. It also means that you have limitless possibilities when it comes to travel. The travel agencies in your areas probably can book dozens or even hundreds of different trips, but there will be limitations. Even if an offline travel agent can plan a vacation to an obscure destination for you, it is not likely that he or she will be an expert in travel to this location. Online, you can find a family or an individual who has been there and will plan an amazing vacation for you. There are few places in the world where you can't travel if you work with an online travel agency.
Another great aspect of working with an online travel agency is that you can shop for your vacation package any time of the day or night. Brick and mortar business usually close soon after the end of the regular business day, and many are not open for long hours on the weekend. The Internet is open 24 hours a day. While you may not always be able to call a customer service representative, especially if you like to do vacation planning at three in the morning, you can always check out packages offer on travel websites. This is especially handy for parents who need to plan after the kids are in bed, people who work odd hours, and those living in rural locations where the nearest travel agency office is a fairly far drive.
One of the often-overlooked benefits of an online travel agency is the control you have to make your own choices without outside influences or pressure. When you visit an office, many travel agents have the same tone as used car salesmen. You have to remember that these people are often working under some kind of commission program. Instead of making an hourly wage, they earn a percentage of your total vacation price, and even if they do have a salaried job, they may get incentives from travel companies (hotels, cruise lines, etc) for selling amount every month. Many travel agents get to go on free trips for every ten or twenty vacation packages they sell. So, you might feel pressured to book a trip when you are not done exploring your options or upgrade certain aspects, even though you do not have the money. Online travel agencies typically take a more hands-off approach. That does not mean that they won't help you, of course. Most are more than willing to answer questions via email or over the phone. However, when it comes to working with an online travel agency, you do not have someone looming over your shoulder, trying to make a sale as you check out your vacation options.
Also, when you work with an online travel agency, you usually have more payment choices. Today, some offline travel agencies offer payment plans, credit card payments, and so forth, but this is not always the case. When you work online to plan you vacation, however, you can always find a type payment that will work for you. Some even have payment programs that allow you to earn points for every dollar you spend, which can go towards gift certificates or future trips.
Be aware that there are still scammers posing as online travel agencies and other travel sites, and you always need to read the fine print of any website where you make a purchase. However, online travel agencies are often a less expensive, easier, and more convenient way to book a vacation.
Suzanne Bradley is a writer and blogger who discusses various aspects of the travel industry such as working with a travel agency.

Traveling is Fun

People all over the world love to travel. People travel for various purposes like business, leisure, education or recreational purposes. Traveling has become a part of people's life and there is no life without traveling. Going to work everyday is also traveling. Traveling helps us to learn a lot. When we travel to other countries, we are able to learn about the culture, language and people of that country.
Many people, we find travel for work related purposes. Some people travel to other countries to seek work and there are lots of businessmen who are globally connected, traveling to various countries in the world to attend meetings, to expand their business, to build relations etc. This helps them to make more money.
A large percent of people travel for leisure. Everybody longs to relax. Nobody can work like a robot. To get away from the stress and tension of their work, they usually take a few days off to visit tourist places with their families to see places and enjoy a fantastic vacation. There are people who travel within their country, and there are people traveling to other countries depending on their budget.
Lots of students nowadays travel for education purposes, mainly for higher studies or for educational tours.
The World Tourism Industry is flourishing with tremendous growth and this industry is making changes every year to meet the demands of the increasing tourist. Tourism brings in a lot of money and increases employment opportunities in the country the tourism ministry in every country seeks ways to develop and promote tourism in their respective countries. The most visited country in the world today, happens to be France and Paris is the world's most visited tourist destination. Switzerland also is a great tourist attraction because of it's ski-resorts.
The Internet plays a very important role today in giving information of the various tourists attractions of the world, with the hotel and sightseeing facilities. With just a click of the mouse, you can book rooms suitable to your budget, in any part of the world.
Whether you are traveling for business or for pleasure, it is most important that you stay safe and enjoy your trip. First of all, you have to plan your trip well in advance. Once you have chosen your destination, plan your itinerary first. Book your flights and hotel reservation much in advance, especially during the seasonal period, to avoid disappointments. If you are choosing low budget hotels, make sure that you make proper research, because you might end up without the facilities mentioned on their websites. It is always best to book hotels with Internet facilities, because you can use Skype to keep in touch with your near and dear. This will help you to save a lot on your long distance telephone bills.The most important thing that you need during your travel is currency. You can use your ATM cards and credit cards. Travelers Checks can also be useful while traveling. The best advise for traveling is always travel light. Also be very careful about what you eat. Unhealthy eating can cause stomach problems and might end you up in the hospital, which can lead to an unexpected expense.
Traveling can be a very pleasurable experience if you do proper planning in advance.
The author has a website providing various tips online regularly. This post under travel category talks generally on the fun of travel.

Online Wedding Planning Courses

Wedding planning course is a good way to step into the profession of wedding planning. This has become a popular business as people want their wedding day to be the most memorable event in their lives and they seek wedding planners for that reason. To make the industry of wedding planning better, there are many institutions that provide people with courses of event planning and management; students are taught about event planning and skills to manage an event successfully, and one of them is wedding planning course.
There are some students who are interested in doing wedding management course either for their own wedding or to go into this profession but the commitment of job or any other reason makes it difficult to join an institution for the course. Online wedding planning courses are the ray of hope for them; they can avail this opportunity to achieve their goal and become a successful wedding planner through online wedding management and planning course. Online wedding management and planning diplomas and courses give the students facility of learning at home; students can take their classes or lectures easily at home without disturbing their other commitments; people who are already working somewhere can learn the professional skills in their free time. Online wedding management courses solve the problems of transportation and provide all the information and etiquettes online. Though online courses allow students to take the classes at home but, students may be required to be online at specific timings for web conferencing, submitting assignments, instructor student communication or interaction with other students.
As this course is online course so students need to have a computer in their home; they should be technical enough to handle the computer as there could be video demonstrations or lectures in the course.
There is a vast range of courses regarding wedding planning courses are available online for the students. You can get the information by reading this.
· Beginning wedding planning course.
· Wedding consultant course.
· Certified wedding planner's course.
· Planning the wedding ceremony course.
You can get your course online if you are engaged with some commitment like job, kids or other studies. You can get all the education at home; only for taking specific tests or practical presentation you would need to come to the institution which I think can be managed for once or twice. After you get certified by the institution, you can bloom your business or job.
For more information on Wedding Planning Certification visit
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How to Develop a Genuine Love for Reading in Children

Many children today are so engrossed in the latest technology that they barely have time to open a book and read. As teacher we have to help them develop a genuine love for reading at an early age.
So how exactly do we do this? Well it doesn't take a genius to do so. Here are some very easy and practical ways on how you can make your pupils love reading:
• Be a role model
Children learn best through modeling. Have you noticed how children would often emulate the way you act or talk? In fact, there are times they even play teacher and you'll be surprised to see them copy the way you move and talk to them in class. So you can just imagine the extent of your influence among these young learners.
If you want your children to love reading you have to show them that you also love it. Read a book in front of your class every now and then especially during break time or after school hours. Show them your collection of books and let them see you enjoy reading them.
• Use varied reading materials
Children are easily bored especially if they're always reading the same textbook. You shouldn't only develop a love for reading in your pupils but also teach them to appreciate all kinds of reading materials. Let them go to the library once in a while where they can read encyclopedias, almanacs, journals, fairytales, legends, and so much more.
• Provide wholesome reading activities
Many children are not fond of reading because afterwards teachers would only ask them questions then that's it. Teachers often fail to provide enrichment activities. As a teacher, you must be resourceful enough to come up with some wholesome activities in line with reading. For instance, if the children read a fairytale you can ask them to act out or draw their favorite parts.
Integrate reading in all your lessons. Allow them to read even if it's not their English class. You can let them read the procedure in their experiments in Science or the instructions in their arts and crafts activities. You should also give assignments that include reading a variety of resources from magazines to online references. In other words, you should make reading a part of your everyday lessons. Once you're able to do all these, it won't be long before your children develop a genuine love for reading.
Stephanie Prevendido-Gallardo

BEST Websites for Kids

When I set out to find the best websites for kids I wanted to make sure that the sites had real educational value and were easy to use. I did not want any sites included that asked for any information, not even an email address. Websites that had too much advertising were avoided. And, finally, I wanted the sites to be free or very low cost.
I always advise parents to look at any sites before sharing them with your kids so that you know exactly what is on each site.
So with that in mind, here are my choices:
Starfall is a website that helps children learn to read. It has everything from learning your ABCs to reading books. The graphics are colorful, attractive and simple to click on. The audio is clear and easy to understand. Best of all it is a jump and go site. No login and nothing to click through to get started. They also offer free printable worksheets to practice writing. And it is all FREE. Starfall can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. The site is listed for Kindergarten through second grade, but preschool kids enjoy learning their letters and struggling readers may enjoy it also.
PBS Kids
PBS Kids is a wonderful site that has lots of familiar characters that children love: Clifford the Big Red Dog, Arthur, Maya and Miguel, and Sesame Street, just to name a few. The pictures are bright and attractive and the audio is great. For older children, ZOOM is a favorite. They have games to play and free printable worksheets. PBS Kids is a jump and go website as well. No login and nothing to click through to get started.
One of the great things about PBS Kids is that some of the areas of the site are companions to the television shows seen on PBS. Between the Lions, Reading Rainbow, Maya and Miguel are all represented in the website. Once again, this site is FREE. PBS Kids is recommended for children preschool through elementary.
If this were not enough, they have great parenting pages!
The Literacy Center
This website is much smaller than the others; however, I like it because it is simple to navigate for preschoolers and kindergarteners. The have cute online games in English/Spanish/German/French for children learning colors, letters, numbers and shapes. This is a great place for ESL (English as a Second Language) to begin saying the words in English. Some children may enjoy learning the Spanish, German or French words for fun. The audio is very clear. This is also a jump and go site. And it is FREE.
Guys Read
Jon Scieczka, a famous children's author, created the Guys Read website in order to promote literacy for boys. It is an established fact that boys don't always take to reading willingly. I have seen this in my own classroom and there have been studies done on this very subject. So how can we encourage boys to read more? One of the ways is to provide boys with books and other reading materials that they enjoy. The Guys Read website was created to give guys (little guys and big guys) a place where they can find books that are interesting. There is also a forum called Readerville where they can talk with other guys about the books they are reading.
Scholastic, Inc.
You may be familiar with the name Scholastic. They are a publishing company that has been serving the educational community for years. They have Book fairs at schools, Book clubs and offer online lessons for a fee. But, lucky for us there are many free activities your child will enjoy. Scholastic is the home of the Magic School Bus and the famous Miss Frizzle! You will also find Clifford the Big Red Dog and other favorites. The younger children will need some help to navigate the website at first. There are plenty of activities to do and they have parent pages as well.
Clifford's Interactive Storybooks
This area of the Scholastic website is located within the teacher pages. Children can listen to the stories and practice reading. It's lots of fun!
National Zoo
The National Zoo is part of the Smithsonian Institution. The website is excellent. If you have a child that likes animals, you must visit this site. The site is jump and go, meaning you can start exploring immediately. Younger children will need help searching. The live animal cams are very popular! The photo gallery has excellent pictures as well. So much information is available you really need some time to explore and even then you will always find something new to discover on subsequent visits.
The San Diego Zoo also has a great website.
Enchanted Learning
This website is HUGE and covers everything from the Alphabet to Zoology. The information on this website (over 20,000 pages) is available to everyone for FREE. You can just view or view and printout the pages. This website does not offer interactive games; however, if I had to choose just one website to have available to my students it would be this one. I said students, rather than children for a reason. The information on this site is so extensive that even college students could use it for basic research. (I have.) I am not kidding. You have got to see this for yourself.
As I said, all of the information is free, but they do offer a membership. Members can print out all of the pages with no ads showing.
I cannot believe that so many people have never heard of Enchanted Learning. I would expect that a membership to this site would cost at least $50/year if not more, but no - and it's not $40 or $30 either. For just $20/year your entire family can benefit from this BEST Educational Website Ever! (and remember - if you don't want to become a member, you can still enjoy all of the benefits for free)
BookPALS Story Online
BookPALS is presented by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation. Celebrities read children's books aloud. The site also features activities for kids. The audio is excellent and it has lots of great pictures. It is a jump and go site, but a speedy computer is needed, otherwise it can take a long time to load and the buffer won't take it without pauses.
abcteach is the greatest! This is the favorite website of teachers. There are so many things you can print and use from coloring pages to reading comprehension practice. They also have a fabulous math section. The website has now introduced an area for middle school students. In order to be fully functional the membership fee is $35/year; however, over 5000 pages are available for free. In addition to the great reading activities at abcteach you can find flashcards, puzzles, mazes, clip art, report covers and so much more. This is a great place to find excellent printables. Parents will have to choose and print the activities for younger children.
Go surf for fun!
Ali Rae is a freelance writer and former teacher/tutor.

Fun Online Learning Games for Kids

Educating the kids all about numbers and the alphabet might have at one time involved text-based books or plastic blocks, but now with the wide-range of learning games for kid's online, learning has become so much more pleasurable for both child and parent. Browser-based educational games are quite easy to come by and able to teach almost everything a child might need to know interactively in a fun and interesting way. If attempting to teach a child basic reading or math skills, but the information doesn't seem to be sinking in, attempt to introduce the child to the digital age of learning with the online games and tutorials.
Some of the popular fun and educational games for the kids consist of -
Math Lessons - understanding the basics of math often requires a child to learn a range of skills, which most often relates to memorization and problem solving. Building skills with the help of online games gives learning an element of fun, which is often missing in the more non-interactive teaching methods. Games that drill math solving skills into the youngster often involve such fun elements as shapes or colors, pictures, word and board games, and memory or logic games. Online math games can start with the preschool kids in mind and increase in the level of difficulty from there.
Literacy Lessons - reading is of course one of the most essential skills a child requires to learn at a young age. Reading games start with the simple alphabet matching games, vowel games to learning correct sentence formation. The easiest games target the preschool and kindergarten kids, while the more difficult games, which might target a specific skill, are perfect for the older child. Kids can also learn to read with phonic sounds, where it is necessary to match sounds with matching pictures.
Science Lessons - kids love to explore and learn how things work, and one way to learn this is to let them play some of the fun and informative science games freely available online. A child's natural curiosity to discover new things is much more open when the teaching method isn't just textbook-based. Interactive lessons might feature those related to the human body and its functions, the life-cycle of a frog or butterfly, or learn about the different types of wild or domestic animals. Kids will enjoy learning via fun exercises and video, while the mom and dad will appreciate that online games are a really effective and helpful teaching-aid.
Make learning more fun for preschoolers and beyond with the freely available interactive lesson plans and cool games online.

Great Books For Kids Who Want To Learn How To Draw

Many kids love to draw. But they get stuck and frustrated when what they see in their heads, or what they want to create on paper, doesn't match what comes out of their hands. With a little practice and some simple instruction, any kid (or adult, for that matter) can improve their skills. Here are some great books for kids who want to learn how to draw.
The basic difference between drawing instruction books aimed at kids versus adults is that books for kids can get extremely basic. But that's not a bad thing. Sometimes adult how-to-draw books are too advanced, and adults can get frustrated.
But a great thing about kids how-to-draw books is that the examples and exercises are a lot more fun than those for adults. Sure, you might find the typical circle with shading and shadow to make it look like a sphere. But a kids' drawing book will then turn that into a space mobile or part of something else fun and interesting.
One of the best books like that is Mark Kistler's Draw Squad, recommended for ages 6 and older. He does not oversimplify things for kids. He presents real art terms and techniques, like foreshortening and shading, but he does it in a simple, easy-to-understand way.
Kids will begin immediately by drawing a foreshortened circle as the top of a 3D cylinder. Then he turns it into a simple birthday cake. The second drawing incorporates a horizon line, to show depth and start adding perspective.
Throughout the book, there are small blank areas that kids can do their drawings in, but I suggest using a sketchbook separately. He also includes lots of examples of other kids' work, which is a great motivator and shows the kids that it is possible to draw really well.
If you want to go a step simpler, How to Draw 101 Animals will work for the younger kids, ages 5 and up. There are simple line drawings for kids to follow along with. Most animals kids know are in here, like cow, zebra, crab, plus a bunch of made up silly ones that kids enjoy, too.
Even more basic is Ed Emberley's Drawing Book: Make a World, or anything else by the same author. This is your basic combining of shapes to create simple, easily identified objects like ships, cars, and dragons. He uses rectangles, dots, curvy lines, and squiggles, plus letters like C, L, S, and U, to make the objects. Kids old enough to manipulate a drawing tool will be able to work with this book.
There you have three basic drawing books that are proven favorites. They are great books for kids who want to learn how to draw. Pair them with some pencils (crayons for the younger kids) and a sketchbook, and you have a gift most any kid will love.
Want more recommendations?
Find more great books for kids and children's book reviews at

Social Stories for Children With Autism

For a child with autism, the world can be an overwhelming place. Typically, the disorder causes a need for sameness and aversion to or difficulty with transitions. This means that the first day of school, the first day of holidays, the first day back to school from holidays, the first time at the dentist, and other "firsts" can be extremely challenging and confusing for the autistic child. Social stories for children with autism can help him or her prepare for an upcoming change.
Social stories are short stories written by parents, teachers, counselors, or therapists that explain appropriate behavior and social cues for an upcoming social event. Each story uses a combination of control sentences, affirmative sentences, directive sentences, descriptive sentences, perspective sentences, and cooperative sentences to help the child learn how to behave in a certain situation, or to prepare for an upcoming change in his or her routine. The social stories for children with autism are written from a kid's perspective, in the present tense, and can be used in many different situations.
Descriptive sentences give details (who, where, what, why, and when) about the upcoming situation to help the child recognize the situation when it happens. Directive sentences talk about appropriate responses to that situation. Perspective sentences teach the child what responses or feelings he or she might experience. Affirmative sentences refer to a rule, law, or commonly-shared opinion about that situation or event. Cooperative sentences describe how other people will act or help the child. Control sentences are those created by the child to help him or her remember specific strategies for coping with and working through the event.
An example of a social story which uses all six types of sentences is:
When we go to the bike store, There will be a lot of different bikes to choose from. (Descriptive)
I might not know right away which bike I like the best. (Perspective) That's OK with everyone there. (Affirmative) I can hold onto my beads while I make my decision. (Control)
When I make my decision about which bike I want, I will tell my Mom. (Directive) My Mom will go buy the bike for me. (Cooperative)
Social stories for children with autism work very simply. The child or parent reads the story, and rehearses the story ahead of the upcoming change in routine or social event. When the actual event arrives, the boy or girl can use the knowledge learned in the story to guide his or her behavior.
For PRICELESS training videos and tips to help you better cope and handle child autism and enable your child to feel loved and conquer any obstacles VISIT. AUTISMININFANTS.ORG []

Finding Free Stories Online

It isn't difficult to find stories online. It is a bit more difficult to find free stories online. To find high quality free stories on line is not such an easy task. Here are some things to keep in mind while you search for stories that will enhance your reading for fun.
Reading for fun has always been one of the most inexpensive forms of entertainment. I remember when the first 25 cent paper backs hit the market. It was a real bargain for a poor boy who spent lots of time reading for fun. There are free public libraries that have always facilitated free reading for fun. Presently, web sites offering free stories online have popped up by the thousands. That has both an up-side and a down-side. Many use the 'free' as a come on - giving away a few and offering a lot more for sale. We all understand how advertising works and recognize that it has long brought us free radio and TV. So, we can certainly put up with a few advertising ploys on the web in order to find some free stories and books to support our addiction to reading for fun.
When you search a browser (Google, Bing, Ask, etc.) for a 'free' site, enter key words such as, 'free short stories', 'free fiction', 'free mystery stories', 'free romance stories', 'free humorous stories', 'free historical stories', 'free stories for children', 'free books for teens', and so on. (Sometime ago I even found one under, 'free stories for grandpas!)
Another approach is to search by author: 'Free stories by Poe', '... by Hemingway', and so on depending on your taste in authors. When searching by author for free stories online, most will not be current authors but instead will be drawn from pieces that are old enough to be in the public domain (no copyright restrictions). When reading for fun, that probably really doesn't matter and often provides excellent quality.
Here are a few well received modern authors some of whose work can be found here and there as free stories online: Stephen King, Tom Clancy, Garrison Flint (mystery), Marc Miller (ghost stories), Gary Hutchison (mainstream fiction), Bonnie Brewster (family romance), Grampa Gray (fun for seniors), David Drake (kids and teens).
When reading for fun, remember there are also very inexpensive stories and books available online. With the coming of the technology to download digital files it has become possible for sites to offer full length books for as little as 99 cents. In this day and age, that is a bargain. They are downloaded to your computer or other reading devices (usually as PDF files) and can be read on the screen. Typically the purchaser is permitted to print one copy for personal use. That, of course, adds to your cost and you need to figure whether or not it would still be a bargain. Short stories are almost always a bargain when printed off.
Free stories online can greatly enhance your reading for fun. Encourage the young people in your life to search for their kind of free stories online. (You may want to preselect a few websites that you know are kid-safe.)
Tom Gnagey is a successful, long time, writer with more than 100 original books and 350 stories in his personally published bibliography (seven pen names). He has rewritten dozens of manuscripts for others. His education includes degrees in psychology, education, and philosophy. Tom is a nationally known speaker and creative writing teacher. For FREE SAMPLES of his stories and information about his Writing Rx services go to http://www.TomsBookNook.comnow.

Write Fiction for Children

Do you want to write children's fiction? Maybe you think kid's are easier to write for than adults; I did. When I first began to write, it was for my grand-kids only. I used their names and invented cute, happy scenarios with very small 'mishaps'. There was absolutely no danger. They weren't bad for their purpose, but they definitely wouldn't be considered good. I thought they were, though. I was proud of them; I still am. Their purpose was to let the kids know I was thinking of them. They were the intended audience and they applauded. My goal was accomplished.
Now, years later, I know how difficult it is to write fiction for children. When I hear a remark about how writing kids-lit is easy, that anyone can do it, I want to sit that person down and let him show me.
I've heard comments that suggest writing for children is the simple'beginners genre'. I knew the speaker was a non-writer because nothing could be farther from the truth. It's not easy for an author to put himself inside a child's head and let him be and act himself. The voice, speech, tone, facial expressions - all have to be exact replicas of a child. Not a small adult. Children are quick to recognize an adult in child's clothing; they won't be fooled by simple language. Adults always want to get in the way and tell them what to do and say. It takes a good writer to let a child solve his own problems with no interference.
Most people read to escape reality. They want excitement, danger, heros and bad guys. This includes child readers. They don't want to read about boring everyday life. No, they want to see another youngster doing the things they only can dream about. They want to see someone their age successfully solving their problems with little or no, adult assistance. They need to struggle, work, almost fail - but win out at the end. They want exciting, but believable adventures!
The movie, Home Alone is a good example; also the books of Harry Potter.
Home Alone put the child in real danger and used his imagination to get the bad guys. The main character wasn't kept sweet and pleasant smelling either. He had a realistic personality which made money for his creator. His problem was believable. Harry Potter had magical help, so he wasn't really on his own, but, adults were scarce.
Kids fantasize about being on their own and able to take care of themselves. A plot that will allow a child to find his own way out with little or no adult help, and still be believable, isn't easy. They need to be able to relate to it fully. When the main character finally solves his problem, the moral is learned.
See the difference? In adult fiction, we can always bring the entire Army in if we have to. Kids are left to their and your creative imagination. They need to do it their self.
Harriet has reviewed over 8,000 new writers and written many newsletters and articles on the topic. She is a Moderator and author at http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Creative Writing which welcomes new writers. Her portfolio is found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/storytime

Short Story in English For Children - Monkey and Mr Croc

This is an English short story entitled Monkey and Mr Croc, which has good moral values for your kids.
Once upon a time, there was a big and strong monkey living at the bank of a river which has an island growing seasonal fruits like mangoes. This particular island was at a distance which is in between the island and the river bank. So, this monkey would use a rock as a spring to jump on this island which has the fruit that it can enjoy.
In this river too, lives a crocodile with his wife. One fine day, Mrs Croc told Mr Croc that she would like to have a heart of a monkey for lunch and no other monkey but Mr Croc's friend- The Monkey. Mrs Croc said that if he really loves her, then he will bring her the heart of the monkey which is his best friend. Hearing this, made Mr Croc really sad. But, he loves his wife a lot; so, he agreed to get the monkey's heart for Mrs Croc.
That afternoon, monkey was enjoying the mangoes on the island when the monkey detected something looking extraordinary between the rocks in the river, as it was looking larger in size than usual. So, the monkey said to itself, "Perhaps, some naughty and playful crocodile was hiding behind that rock!" To make sure, the monkey questioned the rock, "Dear rock! Why are you so quiet, today? Where are your daily hellos? Mr Croc thought that the rock was indeed a talking rock, so he said, "Hi dear monkey, how are you feeling today?" Now, of course the monkey knows that definitely someone is behind it because there's no such thing as a talking rock. Monkey then shouted, "Rocks aren't supposed to be talking; so whoever you are, please show yourself."
Mr Croc then showed himself and informed Monkey of his desire of eating Monkey's heart for lunch. Monkey was shocked to hear this and sad too. He couldn't believe his best friend would do such a thing. So, monkey decided to leave the island, but how? Monkey got an idea and said, " My dear Mr Croc, since I cannot escape from you now; I would personally like to give you my heart. Can you please open your mouth, so that I can jump into it?" You see, monkey is intelligent and he knew that when he opened his mouth, his eyes would close. He agreed and opened his mouth so wide until his eyes were closed tightly. Now, the wise monkey jumped on Mr Croc's head and back on the river bank safely. When he opened his eyes, he saw monkey safe on the river bank. He then apologized to the monkey but monkey said that he would not anymore believe him due to his intention to kill his only best friend in order to satisfy his wife's desire. Sadly, he went back home to his wife, crying on the idea that he has just lost a very dear friend to him.
You can get more short stories in English for children online as this is just a sample of the many examples of short story available online.
Are you looking for more short tales to tell your children? In need of more bedtime stories for your kids? Not to worry! Get more moral lessons instilled Short Stories in English for Children now for FREE!
A retired english teacher who is keen to spread the knowledge of English throughout the world.

Inspirational Stories on Success in Real Life

I love listening to some great inspirational stories regarding the successful life of famous people.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most famous people on this planet. I like watching his characters who he have been playing as an awesome actor. Though he was born in Austria of Europe, he have spent his professional life in Hollywood. You can't forget about his political career as a governor. I must say I prefer admiring him as an actor. That's my personal opinion.
Schwarzenegger has had many good opportunities to make a great deal of inspirational stories throughout his rich life. You may like him or not, but you have to admit he represents some kind of qualities that can form the inspirational stories to hear.
Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals some secrets to success. Those secrets are put together for you to show how inspirational stories are able to change your way of thinking about successful life.
The most important secret to success by Arnold Schwarzenegger is that no matter what are the circumstances, you must always trust yourself. Always. You should take the time to ask yourself deep down inside who you want to be. You ought to spend some of your time to ask yourself what inspirational stories you want to create in your successful life.
Arnold is sure you have to discover what things make you happy, what inspirational stories make you want to live with the smile on your face.
Without discovering them, you can't achieve any success. When you find the things that make you happy, don't bother looking at what other people are thinking about them. Don't worry whether they see them crazy. It is your life. It is your success you desire. They are your inspirational stories you want to create.
If you want to make unusual achievements in your life, don't be afraid to break the rules. This factor is essential if you want be successful. Schwarzenegger points out very clearly to the fact that you never must break the law. Only the rules. This is a huge difference. Your inspirational stories won't be significant if you focus on breaking the law instead of breaking the rules that seem to prevent you from achieving the great success you deserve.
According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, you have to think outside the box if you are willing to make a difference.
Your ordinary behavior won't let you develop the great inspirational stories of your success.
You should never be afraid to fail if you decide to become extraordinarily successful. Of course you can't always win but don't be afraid to make courageous decisions. Only such decisions can put you in the position to start thinking big.
You can move forward and pursue your big dreams only if you decide to believe in yourself and your vision. The need to create great inspirational stories of your success must be bigger than the fear you might feel. That's the real secret to success.
When it comes to success by Arnold Schwarzenegger, good rule is that you can't pay attention to other people saying it is impossible for you to make it.
If you want to achieve something big, you have to remember to work hard. For no pain, no game. That's a real life you are living. Everything has its prize. Whatever path you take in your life, you must always find the way to give something back.
What are your own inspirational stories? What are your receipt for a real success in life?
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Benefits of Short Stories

A short story is a literary work that tells a series of event in a specific setting. These series of events are the product of the writer's powerful mind and imagination. They are the result of contemplations, and realizations done by the writer either during his gloomy or happy days. Short stories are the outlet of the writer's emotions. It is through short stories that a writer directly or indirectly expresses his ideals, beliefs and opinions regarding issues that continually confronting the society. Thus stories are written due to several purposes such as to inspire, to educate, to entertain and to provoke one's emotions.
Whichever the purpose of a particular story, one thing that is very much sure is that stories have lots of benefits to everyone.
For children stories teach them moral lessons which will be planted in their young minds and that they can ponder upon as they grow older. Other than that, they help in the enhancement of children's imaginative thinking which leads to creativity. According to some experts, children are being trained to think imaginatively while listening or reading stories in accordance to how the writer describes the setting, characters, and events that took place in the story. More than that, children are taught to focus their attention to a specific topic so that if they will be engaged to more complicated brainstorming or emersions they won't have any difficulty. One thing more, their vocabularies will be developed. As a result,, this will help them develop their communication skills both in oral and written communication.
For older person, stories especially with those that contain humor entertain people. Short stories would also provoke questions in the minds of people regarding life and society. Short stories enables them see realities even though the events in the stories did not happen in actual scenes; but there are several situations in life that can be related to those events. The readers are made to see and think of the realities in life. Another thing is that stories teach people to appreciate the beauty of life. This is because through short stories that the adventures of people are told. These characters are used to symbolize things in the real society. It is through them that writers relate the message they wanted their readers to grasp. Despite the fact that these characters shown in these stories don't exist in real life, their struggles can be compared to someone in real life.
Those benefits mentioned above are only among the many benefits of reading short stories. Seeing those benefits that stories can give, it is just correct to conclude that reading short stories is helpful to all.
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The Moral of the Story

The means of conveying a moral specific theme in a fictional story is termed Moral Fiction. This designation may seem self-explanatory since you most likely grew up with stories that contained a moral lesson. So many classic children's stories were infused with value based story lines it may seem strange to think that is not the primary purpose of storytelling.
Today, however, Moral Fiction is a genre unto itself. Somewhere in an undefined part of literary history, new genres of fiction began to emerge with little claim to a moral objective. Today it's clear there is a need for the term Moral Fiction.
With this genre, the story is essentially a creative vehicle whereby a moral lesson can be conveyed to a mass audience. That's not to indicate that Moral Fiction is preachy because it doesn't have to be, in fact, I would suggest it shouldn't be.
Writers need to be careful to remember the story has an ebb and flo that does not respond well to the use of a bully pulpit. If your reader views the story as a tool to bludgeon them with a moral imperative they will stay away from your work - in droves.
Julie Andrews delivers a song for the movie, "Marry Poppins" that is very appropriate when choosing this type of fiction, "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down." Too often readers view bad moral fiction as if they were being force-fed vinegar.
Moral fiction is very effective when the author uses the moral lesson as a single thread in a very large tapestry. The trouble often arises when the author views the moral lesson as the tapestry and the story as the thread. In one case it's a compliment to the storyline and in the other it is viewed as moral superiority.
As a writer you seek ways to connect with your reader. In Moral Fiction the goal is to allow the story to be as engaging as possible so the reader doesn't immediately disengage from the storyline because they weren't anticipating a sermon.
For writers who come at their work from a faith perspective it is expected that at least a good portion of the work produced will have a moral theme. Moral Fiction provides an effective vehicle to convey a Christian worldview in the much-loved genre of fiction.
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.
Make A Website in minutes with HighPowerSites or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.
Start your own ebook business and Resell Ebooks with BooksWealth.

The Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Children

Children's short stories at bed time is a great way to warm a child with daily reading. It is a great source of love emotions togetherness and feeling of family strength to grow emotionally and mentally for a better life. Besides these psychological and nurturing benefits, it provides a great foundation of life style and imagination building. It is a great help for elementary reading. Following are some of the benefits of kid's bed time stories.
1. Increase knowledge of the child:
Kid's bed time stories are written for children to increase their general knowledge about life everyday matters. Children are naïve, they have not experienced much of real life that people have on planet earth. they simply recognize dad and mom or brother or sister, if they have.
2. Intellectual development:
The bed time stories create a sense of reasoning with the different steps in the stories and they learn how cause and reason makes a difference in doing everything. Intellectual development is awesome development for the kids
3. Imaginations expends:
Kid's bed time stories expand their imagination to the things they have not seen and they start thinking beyond what they have seen so far in their life. The get to know that there is lot more to life than want to know.
4. Curiosity of knowing more about things increases:
Since their imagination is expending they are able to feel that there is always more to everything and they expand their curiosity about everything, which makes them more intelligent and always vigilant to seek learning more.
5. New discoveries:
Bed times stories many times are like real life stories and this helps them to understand more about real life than living, like for example in the story father always have to go to work or business to bring money home. This conception is new to a toddler but they start getting used to the fact that everyone has to work.
6. Kids Bed time stories create good communicating skills:
Yes that is one of the great aspect of these stories. In the stories children and parents play a good role and that teaches children about relation ship and the role of a child in a family that makes him/her role in the family and how to play it.
7. Calming routine and healthy sleep:
The bed time story ritual provides intimacy in the family, Children sleep after getting much love from parents. They do not wake up crying. But a child usually gets a full night sleep after the story time.
8. Bedtime stories create a bond between parents:
It creates a better relationship between children and parents. Because of a friendship of story time, a confidence builds up between the two and because of the stories and a stronger relationship they listen to parents reasoning much more than usual.
9. Health and deep sleep for the child;
This bond of stories works like therapy for the mind of the children and they sleep fast through the night. Reading at bed time is associate with pleasant mommy and daddy time at bedtime.
10. Expended Imagination and Creative Thinking:
The child starts loving books. Bed time stories have stimulated the imagination and provides entertainment that are healthier and more interactive than the other alternative Television.
Reading bed time stories create so much early development of social and cognitive skills. Their speaking skills, and social interaction peaks. This provide a foundation for successful relationships with the rest of the world.
Fran Aslam is a former teacher, as an activist for children, she has learned a lot about child development based on psychological and mental development of the kids. She has studies the phenomenon of early learning for the child in recent years as a part of the brain growth, and child psychology. She believes early learning is possible for the child, but requires a great deal of attention by the parents.

Low Calorie Diet The Natural Way

Please, just because you want to lose weight, don't dump your
nutritious foods and live on celery sticks and diet sodas.
It will hurt you in the long run by depriving you of needed
nutrition and fiber.
Instead replace some of your unhealthy foods with healthy
foods. You can start a better diet and it will be a low
calorie diet compared to what many people have been eating.
Focus on more vegetables in your diet. Especially the leafy
green vegetables. Eat 7 or more half-cup servings of vegetables
a day. This would mean two or three different servings of
vegetables per meal.
Eat a variety of vegetables, with a variety of colors each day.
This creates visual appeal, different textures and the good
nutrition that you need.
Don't cut them out, but don't use as much of the root
vegetables because they are more starchy. Example:
potatoes, sweet potatoes.
Drink water instead of soft drinks and fruit juices. This will
lower your calories and provide you with the fluids you need
for health and weight loss. Yes, water and plenty of it will help
you lose weight.
I saw a show in which an obese teenager did not have a clue
about calories or nutrition, but she was very willing to learn.
Dr. Phil told her that cutting out the sodas the teenager was
drinking would allow her to lose 50 pounds of fat in a year.
This may apply to you as well, if you drink a lot of sodas.
Be ready ahead of time for snacks. Don't reach for the nearest
goodie or candy bar, instead get out the snack you thought about
ahead of time. Maybe a little cheese and apple, a piece of fruit, or
some cottage cheese with mixed fruit. Keep the serving small - it is
not a meal, just a snack.
All of these suggestions give you an idea of how to have a low
calorie diet without depriving you of needed nutrition.
Article written by Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. Be sure to ask for her newsletter for more weight loss tips.

The 5 Key Benefits of Eating Healthy

Most of us know that the biggest benefits of eating healthy are that we will stay physically fit, feel better, and have fewer illnesses. We can lower our risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes as well. Another key benefit of eating healthy is being able to maintain a healthy weight. In this age of epidemic obesity, this is one of the simplest weight loss plans.
But how many of us teach these benefits to our children, and insure that the habit of eating healthy becomes a part of their daily lifestyle? If we did, we could see healthier, happier children, and teenage obesity could become a thing of the past. Here are the 5 major benefits of eating healthy every day:
1. Eating healthy is probably the easiest and most important way in which you can keep active and shield yourself from the many diseases that are now common as we grow older, including heart disease and diabetes. By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily functions, and helping to improve your immune. By eating a healthy diet and combining this with exercise you could end up leading a longer and more vibrant life.
2. You will meet your daily nutritional needs. Your daily food intake should include some amounts of grain, fruit, vegetables, milk (or other dairy products), beans, oils, and protein. There are vitamins and minerals in healthy foods which can boost your immune system and shield you from many common illnesses. In some cases, by eating a healthy diet you can actually reduce the risks that are often linked with such serious diseases as cancer and diabetes.
3. You will enjoy life more and have more energy to face the tasks before you. Healthy eating can reduce your stress levels. Combine this with daily exercise and you will increase this effect even more.
4. You will sleep better and be more rested when you wake up.
5. If you are currently overweight, you will be able to lose that weight more easily - and maintain it long term! Most people who lose weight with fad diets gain it right back again when they go back to their normal eating patterns. With a healthy diet that you maintain for life, you will lose that weight once and maintain it long term.
Once you implement a healthy diet, you will be surprised at how fast you will start reaping these rewards. The benefits of eating healthy will continue to reward you for the rest of your life.
Healthy Eating every day does not have to mean time-consuming menu preparation or boring meals. To discover delicious alternatives you never knew could be healthy, be sure to check out my Eating Healthy blog at: