How to Reset Your Body’s Hormone Levels to Lose Stubborn Pounds

Hormones. There those tiny little things within your body that play a huge part in your weight, your height, the texture and the amount of hair you have, the size of your chest, your skin type and even your mood.

While hormones may be tiny, they have a huge impact on your overall health and well being. If they’re tweaked just enough in the wrong direction, you could end up being irritable, tired and feeling like you’ve put on weight.

Fortunately, there is a way that you can reset your hormones and put your body and mind back on the right path. Here are some simple suggestions that will help you do just that:

.Sleep in cool temperatures. When you sleep, your body temperature naturally rises, and when you feel hot while you’re sleeping, you’re more inclined to toss, turn, wake up and throw the covers off of yourself. When your sleep is disturbed, so are your hormones. In fact, disturbed sleep can cause your body to produce less leptin, the hormone that is responsible for controlling your appetite and weight gain. In order to avoid a huge change in your hormone levels, try setting your thermostat a little lower before you go to bed. Sleeping in cooler conditions will help your body feel cooler, which means you will have a more restful sleep.

.Don’t crash diet. Though the allure of a crash may be tempting, avoid it. A sudden reduction in your calorie intake can cause your thyroid hormone levels to drop and slow down your metabolism. You can still lose weight, though; just eight a well-balanced diet all the time.
.Skip the caffeine. Try nixing your caffeine habit. Caffeine can increase the production of cortisol, the stress producing hormone. So, the more caffeine you consume, the more stressed and irritable you will be.
.Avoid those PMS cravings. When that time of the month arrives, it’s normal to crave things like chocolate; however, try to avoid it. Instead, satisfy your craving for sweets with a sweet fruit, which will bring your magnesium levels back up – 
something that is depleted when you’re PMSing.
.Pump up the workout. Step up your workout and you’ll speed up your metabolism and boost your production of endorphins, those feel good hormones that boost your mood and your immune system. Try listening to music to motivate you to push harder and you’ll also increase your serotonin levels.

By following these simple tips, you can reset your hormones and change the way your body reacts to certain situations, including how you eat, how you sleep, how you handle stress and so much more!


Ginger tea: Dissolves Kidney Stone, Cleanses Liver and Obliterates Cancer Cells – RECIPE

Ginger is the most powerful food of 21st century. It possesses the ability to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and enhance the immunity.

It is rich in several essential oils that make up its flavor and aroma: gingerols, shogaols and zingerone. These extremely powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents relive pain, help in cardiovascular health, treats asthma, boost immunity, promote digestion and much more.

Ginger Tea Benefits

It is absolutely effective remedy in the fight against sore muscles, common cold, flu and headaches. It also naturally stops pain due to its unique substances.
It eliminates the virus that cause influenza, cold sores and common colds.
Only a cup of tea per day significantly minimizes the chances of stroke because the ginger breaks down fat deposits that actually block arteries.
Ginger improves blood circulation, delivery of oxygen, minerals and vitamins to the cells of the body due to its warming properties.
The large amounts of antioxidants fight off infections and boost and strengthen the immune system.

Preparation of Ginger Tea


Raw honey (organic)
Coconut milk
¼ tsp ground turmeric
¼ tsp ground ginger
A cup of water


The preparation of this incredible tea is very simple. You only have to add the turmeric and ginger in boiling water, reduce the heat and then simmer for 7-10 min.

Put the milk and strain the tea into a cup. Add flavor to your tea with honey and enjoy the health benefits of the most powerful tea.


Nutritionists Recommend THIS for Breakfast to People Who Want to Lose Belly Fat!

This is one of the healthiest and most delicious breakfasts, because it contains vitamins and minerals that improve your skin and hair appearance, normalize your metabolism and strengthen your body.

Plus, if taken every day, this breakfast will help you get rid of toxins from your body and cleanse your bowels.

It efficiently solves the issue of lazy bowels and constipation, burns fat and normalizes your weight. After consuming this healthy mix for a month, you will easily lose 6-10 pounds excess weight, mostly in your abdominal area. Not only that, but your skin, hair and nails will become healthier and more beautiful, and your belly will slowly melt away.

What you need to prepare this breakfast:

- 300ml of kefir (or low-fat yogurt)

- 2 tbsp. oatmeal

- 1 tsp ground flaxseed

- 1 tsp cocoa powder

- 5-7 fleshy prunes

What you do:

.You prepare your breakfast in the evening for the next day.

.Pour some boiling water (about 100ml) over the prunes. Cover and leave for 5-10 minutes.

.Meanwhile, put the oat flakes, crushed flaxseed and cocoa in a bowl. Add the kefir and stir well.

.Chop the prunes finely or blend them until you get a puree. Add this to the kefir mixture.

.Mix well and leave in the fridge.

.In the morning, take it out of the fridge and enjoy a healthy and delicious breakfast.

Results will soon be visible. You may experience some ‘strange’ feeling in your stomach the first day, but this will soon pass. Your digestive system will start working like a clock!


This is Why You Should Brush Your Teeth with These Two Powerful Ingredients!

The magical whitening in the toothpaste commercials and the unnatural and expensive whitening procedures of the celebrities seem impossible to get. Today we are going to present you the most simple and amazing way to get the desired results and what is most important – healthy way of whitening. You only need a little bit of sea salt or some baking soda to get natural and protective way of dental cleaning. You could use them together or separately.

Sea salt

Sea salt consists some of the most essential minerals and elements such as magnesium, nickel, sodium, iron and the most important element for healthy and strong teeth, calcium. They protect the teeth against bad breath and tarter. Sea salt which is famous for its antibacterial effects, helps in the neutralization of acids presented in the mouth. Salivate and saliva are creating the antibacterial boundaries that are protecting the enamel.

After the reading of all these advantages and beneficial properties of the salt, you will start to use it permanently for  your oral and dental health.

How to do it:

The first thing you should do is to wet your toothbrush and put it into a half teaspoon of sea salt and then brush your teeth as you used to. You can even do it with saltwater by mixing half teaspoon of sea salt in warm water, previously dissolved. Take from the water in your mouth and start sloshing the solution for 30 sec. and spit it out. The saltwater will totally remove the bacteria from your mouth.

Baking Soda

The baking soda is known for a long time as a natural way of teeth whitening. It is not very abrasive, but it makes the teeth whiter and smoother at the same time. The sodium bicarbonate is extremely alkaline substance that kills the bacteria and germs that are mostly responsible for the bad breath.

How to do it:

Put some baking soda on the toothbrush and brush your teeth. The other way is by mixing baking soda and salt – which well known homemade toothpaste due to its powerful and effective properties in a short period of time.


The Best Natural Way to Clean The Lungs of Nicotine and Tar

In case you are smoking, then you probably know that cigarettes are full of tar and nicotine. Both of these substances are bad for our health.

If you have finally decided to stop smoking and you are looking for the best way to eliminate this bad habit, you should keep reading this article.

One of the first things that you should do if you are an active smoker is to stop smoking starting from today.

In case you are wondering why is it important to stop this habit ASAP, then you should know that the process of cleansing your body from these substances is very long and some of the effects of these substances on the lungs cannot be reversed.

What we have is a very efficient natural remedy that will completely clean the lungs of nicotine and tar.

One of the reasons why people like this remedy is the fact that it is very simple to prepare one.

Clean The Lungs of Nicotine and Tar


.Two tablespoons of turmeric
.400 grams of onion
.One liter of water
.Ginger root (about one inch)
.400 grams of honey or sugar


.Pour the water and honey/sugar in a pot and boil them. In case you have chosen honey, add it at the end of the process.
.Take the onions and chop them. Take the ginger root and grate it. Put these two ingredients to the solution.
.When the mixture begins boiling again, pour two teaspoons of turmeric powder and lower the heat (low heat).
.Keep simmering the mixture until it reduces by 50%. Remove the pot from the heat, strain the remedy and put it in a clean glass jar. Wait until it is cooled down. Store the jar in the refrigerator.
.Use this remedy two times a day – once in the morning before breakfast and once in the evening before bedtime. You will need two tablespoons each time.

The Health Benefits of This Amazing Remedy


Ginger is a plant known for the medicinal properties for centuries. This powerful spice brings many benefits and the most important one in this case is its ability to remove mucus accumulation in the lungs.


Turmeric has strong antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties. It can cleanse the blood and protects the lungs and body from inflammation.


Just like garlic, this vegetable provides strong anti-cancer effects. Onions are frequently used as part of conventional treatments of malignant health issues. In addition, this vegetable can protect our system from different types of respiratory issues.


Take a Teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil In The Morning (and you get impressive results)!

Not just there are numerous benefits of applying olive oil regarding beauty and health and fitness, it’s  in addition  very  effortless   for you to  incorporate  ones  olive oil  at the  meals.  you'll be able to use it for salads, cook with it, you may even take spoon, and that’s all that you simply ought to stop the foremost common chronic diseases: cancer and Alzheimer’s.

 How  will   the  olive oil protect  us   from   a  Alzheimer’s?

The hippocampus could be a part of the brain that is controlling the forming, organizing and storing memories. Hippocampus has synapses that are structures, which are allowing the nerve cells to send a signal to another cell.

This is the first part of the brain which can be afflicted with your Alzheimer’s sickness, however in accordance to study by the journals Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology, the compound in the olive oil, known as oleocanthal, is binging with and eliminate the toxic proteins, which are clogging the hippocampus synapses so as to forestall memory issues.

The fact that olive oil is preventing cancer?

Several studies have proven that there are compounds in the olive oil which are slowing the growth of tumors in the breast cancer. Not just the olive oil is actually delaying this progress of the cancer cells, however it could also shield the particular DNA form harm caused by the cancer cells before the harm seems.

Various other olive oil benefits:

Apart from blocking and decreasing the choric disease, the  olive oil could also do this:
.Reinforce your defense mechanisms,Strengthen the immune system.
.Protect the very center, reduce the risk of strokes and  balancing the levels of cholesterol.
.helping to lose fat – the olive oil  is obtaining components that happen to be raising your fat burning rate.

Source >

Did people understand There are 30 Pounds connected with Toxins With your Intestines? This is Tips on how to Cleanse Them?

If you wish to remain aloof from numerous sorts of diseases, you would like to wash your intestines of parasites, feculent deposits, and mucus. 40000 liters of liquids, and a hundred loads of food area unit passing through the intestines for seventy years of our life. For that amount, thirty pounds of feculent deposits and noxious wastes area unit build up within the stomach. they're poisoning the blood, and build irreparable harm to the body.

these are generally   the  symptoms  The idea  indicate  THE  intestines  tend to be   filled   with  toxic waste:  

Diabetes, common constipations, disturbed metabolism, poor skin condition, disease, poor or excessive weight, renal disorder, poor nails and hair condition, disorders of vision and hearing, and alternative diseases like inflammatory disease or cancer.


Vitamin clyster c will clean solely tiny a part of the intestines, around 40-50 cm. Special equipment for intestinal washing is very expensive and definitely not safe for the micro flora in the intestines. we are going to show 100% natural and safe thanks to clean your colon. One to three tablespoons of flaxseed flour will clean the small intestine and colon of the longtime fecal plaque, mucus, and parasites in only 3 weeks. Also, the viscus small flora are going to be preserved. this is often terribly easy methodology that accelerates fat burning method, and promotes fast standardization of your weight. it'll even have positive result on the regulation of lipide metabolism.

Flaxseed flour reduces the extent of cholesterol, eliminates and absorbs all toxins from the body.


If you can’t find flaxseed flour, buy and grind flaxseeds on your own. Don’t grind large amounts of flax seed. The best way is to grind it fresh every morning as much as you need for the serving. Also, drink 2-3 liters of water a day. Don’t try this quite once within the year!
