How to Stop Hair From Falling Out and Prevent Baldness - 7 Tips For Women

There are 35 million men and 21 million women who are suffering from hair loss, according to the Relevant Research, Inc. They are the ones who see lots of hair strands on their pillow, bathroom floor, comb, etc. While not all of these cases lead to complete baldness, the patches that are visible can be disturbing and can damage the person's self-esteem. Here is how to stop hair from falling out.
1. Check Your Combing Habits
Some people who suffer from excessive hair loss do not want to comb their hair anymore because after a few strokes their comb will have dozens of strands. If this happens to you, check your combing habits and change it to reduce hair fall. Choose comb with wide tooth. Get a wooden comb if you can.
Comb mildly. Be gentler to your hair if it is wet. Hair, when wet, is very vulnerable. Do not force tangled hair to be combed with just a stroke. Use your fingers to detangle hair.
2. Put Vitamins and Nutrients
You should be able to find hair vitamins and nutrients in gel form. Choose one that's safe and mild. Follow direction for use. You should also supply your hair follicles with more vitamins and nutrients through your diet. More protein in your diet can also help since hair is made by a certain type of protein called keratin. A protein shake may be a good addition to your daily diet.
3. Improve Blood Flow through Massage
When hair is detangled and has vitamins, try to spend 10 minutes massaging the scalp. Regular massage will help improve blood flow. It can help the follicles to produce healthier hair. To massage scalp, use two to three fingers and move them in a circular motion as you move slowly across your scalp.
4. Get Rid of Stress
Hair fall is also caused by stress so get rid of it if you can. Do some relaxing activities like yoga. Get enough sleep. When you are stressed, your mane also gets stressed causing mane thinning and/or hair fall. Relaxation is definitely one of the techniques on how to stop mane from falling out.
5. Avoid Hairstyles That Cause Hair Fall
Keep your mane free. The ideal style is a free flowing hair. If it looks messy, consider using a headband, a loose pony tail, or wobbly braids. Avoid tight ponytails and wearing hats all the time.
6. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking can also affect your mane. The smoke does not only make your mane dirty. It also weakens mane follicles triggering mane fall. Alcohol and carbonated sodas should also be taken in a minimal amount.
7. Get Regular Trims
Trimming your mane regularly may not make your mane grow faster but it cannot remove the split ends and prevent them from becoming worse.
Hair fall is due to weak roots caused by stress, poor blood flow, and vices. How to stop hair from falling out should deal with the causes. Avoid stress and vices. Improve blood flow on your head through massage. Get regular trims, comb gently, and avoid hair styles that stress the hair. Have more protein in your diet and apply vitamin gels to your hair.
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